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Showing posts from May, 2016

The Invitation to Simplicity

A reflection on the passage in Matthew 6:25-34 In our day of the knowledge explosion, technological gadgets and perspectives on life, there are competing needs for my time and my devotion. The idea of having clothes to wear or a place to call home can end up being a consuming worry. Our culture celebrates these competing needs by labeling people as ambitious, vogue or fashionable. Not only do these things compete for me but popular culture encourages this sense of competition, complexity and confusion. Yet when we gaze at nature, we hear the song of simplicity that beckons us from our fragmented selves. From the bright colors of the flowers to the agile flight of the birds, God's simple care and concern for creation is plain for us to see. We close our eyes deliberately and rush about anxiously in search of splendor, at the risk of forgetting that if God cares for flaura and fauna, "will he not much more clothe you?" you who are the crown of his creation, y...

The Journey of Personal Intimacy

There’s something about Mombasa. The thought of an evening watching the sunset color the sky with the dim oranges, as the cool breeze gently whispers across your face and the tides moving in their rhythmic fashion, is always captivating. Such thoughts are what motivate the ardent traveler to fasten their seat belts for the journey ahead. The journey usually starts with very high excitement, sometimes even braving an early morning before the break of dawn and taking a myriad of photographs to quench the anticipation. By the time one is in Mtito Andei or Voi, most passengers are usually asleep, weary-eyed, with their cameras in their bags. The excitement sometimes dies a natural death. Journeys have that effect. Spiritual journeys, nonetheless. A new believer was sharing with me how she wakes up at 3 AM every morning to spend quiet time with God. We shared how over time, that sense of fervor can wax cold. The justifications we dare give are usually a handful, but in truth, our...