This was a sermon prepared for a group of high schoolers and collegers. I was asked by my friend Bill Dindi, of Campus Life, to share on the question “What is the Metanarrative of Scripture?” at the River of God Church in Parklands, Nairobi. The delivery was different from the written material, of course J Accessed from Introduction Is there an overarching story in the Bible? I talked to a friend sometime back who had become an atheist, and he said that the Bible is just a collection of mythical stories. I hope in the topics you have covered previously in this current series on the Bible, you can now appreciate that the Bible is a trustworthy record of God’s self-revelation to us. God reveals himself, in the historical progression of the world, showing himself to be all powerful, merciful, gracious and victorious. That in the events that happen to each of us, the day-to-day mundane activities as well as the big events of history, in Kenya and around ...
An African's account of "Faith seeking Understanding" through life's journey.