John S. Mbiti, an African Christian scholar coined the phrase that “Africans are religious.” However, the recent news coverage of Atheists, in Kenya nonetheless, left a bad taste in the mouths of many a “religious African.” The fact that there was a group of Africans convening a meeting to educate parents on godless parenting reported by the Standard Newspaper in September 2016, discloses to us the trend that is too obvious, and that simultaneously offers a rebuttal to Mbiti’s claim. The trend that is bemoaned within the global church is that of millennials leaving the church. Typing the phrase on google shows how much interest this trend has attracted. My personal interest in this topic lies in the fact that I was once a personal statistic. My undergraduate years unlocked certain intellectual questions that I had about the Christian faith which I had no one to turn to, without being looked down upon as being “irreligious.” This led me to abandon the Church that had nurtured m...
An African's account of "Faith seeking Understanding" through life's journey.