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Showing posts from September, 2016

Apologetics 103: The How – Biblical Examples

I was attracted to a Facebook post on my timeline by a friend who had made a comment concerning the rising issue of prosperity gospel generally in the world, and particularly, in Africa. [1] In his comment section, he made the case that Christian bloggers should pursue apologetics and polemics for the sake of the body of Christ. This was a good challenge for me, especially because the nature of this blog has a firm basis for apologetics. Under the submission of scripture, I enjoy and seek to learn more concerning “faith seeking understanding” a phrase employed by the 11 th Century theologian, St. Anselm of Canterbury. To take up this challenge, I have decided to do a mini-series of posts on apologetics as follows: Apologetics 101: The What - Introduction Apologetics 102: The Why - Purpose Apologetics 103: The How – Biblical Examples Apologetics 104: A Contemporary Concern – Prosperity Gospel in Africa --- This is the third part of this series. We will be looking a...

A Holistic World-and-Life View: Conversations with Abraham Kuyper, C. S. Lewis, N. T. Wright and Paul

Used from While I also like bemoaning the prevalence of "Sunday-Christians," I sometimes fall prey to the compartmentalizing of my faith. Yearning to have a faith that integrates all of my being, and thus shaping my world-and-life-view, I have looked to several sources for inspiration. In BSF, we are studying the life of Jesus in the gospel of John and how he is eternal and is the source of life. Paul also sees this majestic preeminence of Jesus in Colossians (1:15-17) when he’s inspired to say: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. In times where we have utterly compartmentalized our faith from reason, from politics, from financial stewardship, ...

An Encouragement for the Journey

Used from A journey involves the act of travelling from one place to another (Merriam Webster). This means that there is a beginning and an end, but also, the aspect of traveling itself. For those who are travel junkies, you have certain objectives when you travel for instance immersing into a new culture, capturing the photographic landscapes or maybe making new friends. It is a common reality as well for unexpected occurrences to come along in the journey. So is the journey of faith. For the Christian, he or she finds himself at the starting point rather unexpectedly (an act of grace). Going through her journey, she may sometimes be awed by the signposts that are only distractions from the golden signpost of her journey. There are challenges and disappointments that seek to impede her progress. She comes to see that some who she trusts are not on the same journey yet there are others who give her counsel for they have treaded the same journey. She comes t...