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Showing posts from January, 2016

An Ode to A Father Figure

To one of the men who stood by us in our times of suffering. To a father figure who practiced biblical manhood and exemplified it in his life and family. At my sister’s looking-forward-to-marriage ceremony, he came to bid her congratulations. I saw him, I saw him there and had a conversation with him. Would my knowing that death was lurking round the corner have changed the topic at hand? Would I have paid more attention to the chatting that was coming from a place of life? Contrasting with the wedding photos, and baby photos on my social media applications, the morning message announcing the passing on of a father-figure, a man who my parents sought counsel from and who saw eye-to-eye with each other, even heart-to-heart was dumbfounding. Dumbfounding in a manner too familiar to me, yet still with its stinging freshness, was the news spread this morning. Far from the coolness of a cucumber, my heart was at odds empathizing with my friends, who we grew up with and who called...

Thoughts for a New Year

The multi-colors of the fireworks displays that adorn the dark sky in the last night of a year are ways in which we celebrate all that has transpired before as we usher in a new year, a new season. To supplement this, many of us make and re-make lists of resolutions. It's interesting to me how one sided we may tend to be when such opportunities arise for us: we can either use them to reflect too much, if there's anything like that, or on the other hand, to want to do something without a thoughtful reflection. I came across one  post  which seems to call for a balance between both. Certainly, such a balance between contemplation and practice is what I hope to bring with me in 2015, sorry, 2016. The post covers the story of the public unrest that racked Ukraine's capital last year. "Among the tumult were numerous priests" who were somehow displaying this balance by being the mediatorial voices between the public protesters and police. Such unrest could be said to...