An Introduction I had began a series on the question "is there one way to God?" and this post has been long overdue. It is a second part following up on Part 1 . In the first part, I had given the cultural context that the dilemma in asking this question finds itself in. In summary, our postmodern context seems to reduce the fundamentals of a given worldview and strongly appeals to emotion. That is why it is commonplace in our culture to say things like "you only live once" or in dissecting moral issues, "what's right for you may be wrong for me." It is such responses that form the basis of a relativistic view on reality and life. In this post we shall analyze such a worldview and see how it is at odds with understanding the biblical message. Aren't you being too exclusive? We are living in a world and continent that is globalizing. Despite the fact that there are some nuances towards the perspectives and applications of...
An African's account of "Faith seeking Understanding" through life's journey.