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Showing posts from August, 2014

Musings on Christian Living

It has been an interesting week for me to say the least. I have learnt quite a lot on Christian living this week. These three events have taught me something valuable: a) Conversation with my Atheist friend. At first glance some may label me a 'msaliti' (betrayer) :-) But it's okay, I am learning or rather, re-learning that people are entitled to their own opinion. However, there are some opinions that are better than others . . . Well, before I get derailed, a few things I gathered in our discussions with my friend are: first, at times our actions, motives and virtues are just as crucial as our words and in other cases even better off. I learnt humility this week and realized that at times we don't always have to argue out our cases, as is the custom of us 'fundamental' (Bible believing) Christians as my friend called me. What will differentiate us as Christians in our relationships with other people? Kenya is a country with 80% people claiming they a...

On the Bible and Jesus: Respones to an Atheist

The following contains the responses to an atheistic view on the Bible and Jesus Christ. It is part of an interview conducted in June 2014 as part of a paper on my responses to an atheistic worldview. I hope that they are of edification value to the body of Christ; for the believers, to realize that the faith we stand on is the most solid foundation and that in Jesus Christ we have all we need for life and godliness; as well as an inheritance that can never spoil or fade (2 Pet. 1:3 ;1 Pet. 1:3-5). If there may be any errors, I pray that you may extend grace. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bible Interviewee: A normal book, filled with stories, moral perspectives. Response: The presuppositions in the interviewee’s response are that 1) the Bible is an ordinary book, and 2) the Bible contains stories that are not reliable and only beneficial for morality. In the following sections I shall argue for the unique...