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Showing posts from May, 2014

Is there one way to God? Part 1: The Dilemma

Let me begin by saying I write from an African context. I was raised up in a religious home, like many of my peers. It became a sort of tradition, and the concept of God was something that I held on to because of such an upbringing: They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. In my campus years, my curiosity resorted to some new tricks, in a simple statement, a quest to find my own imprint of this religion that had been passed down. The situation was further complicated by my working in a multi-cultural environment among the youth students, in areas of leadership, cultural exchange and social action. Here I was in a pot of simmering soup containing various religious beliefs (or lack thereof), philosophies and 'spirituality.' Needless to say, as an African, the general attack to what some would call "foreign religions" necessitated my distance towards an appreciation of the Christian faith. In fact, I cast it to the background, imbibed in youth culture and the...

Peace in the hustle and bustle of ife

Prayer. Breakfast. Writing a paper. Violin practise. Workout routine. Petite lunch. Violin class. Reading a post on Engineering. (Social media in between). That's the sequence of my events today. Honestly, I wonder if they all make sense, most times. I usually say that God has given me a variety of gifts so it's always been difficult understanding when or how to use them; it seems like most of the time I am developing them, perhaps as a way of being forearmed: "to be forewarned is to be forearmed" the sages say. To be honest, it's something I am learning to do: balance. However, I am reminded of those words in The Book that say, "Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while then vanishes." (James 4:14) How many times we think we have it all figured out until life (God) reminds us of our finite-ness. We say "tomorrow I'll do this plan and the next" only for these plans ...

Theogrimage: A place to Begin

"Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8 My name is Kevin Muriithi Ndereba - other variants that my friends call me are Kevo and Ndebz. I've spent most of my life in the motherland, in East African Kenya to be specific. I have had a relatively "normal" childhood experience growing up in the 90's - playing rounders, stuck-in-the-mud, follow-the-leader and occasionally getting myself into trouble :-) I have been a quick learner especially of all sorts of sports and games, and loved to play them as well. Table Tennis and Lawn Tennis were introduced to me (and my brothers) by my father. I have had a very interesting and sweet affair with football, in addition to basketball, rugby, volleyball, although my current unfitness has pushed me to other indoor activities such as snooker, cards and board games. This passionate curiosity has colored most of my life, right through secondary scho...